
Respond to High Quality Requirements

Proposals to address issues

Do you face any of these problems?

  • Want to reduce losses caused by excessive maintenance and maintenance delays

  • Want to stabilize solder position and volume to ensure printing quality

  • Want to print properly even when there is PCB warpage

  • Want to suppress defects caused by mask tension

  • Want to suppress quality failure due to mis-setting of parts when switching models

  • Want to maintain low-load/constant-load mounting quality, and record and visualize

Panasonic’s proposals for solving your problems


For more information, please download the document.

High Quality < System Software >

Reduce losses caused by excessive maintenance and maintenance delays

APC-5M (Real-time unit monitoring)

Real-time monitoring of the status of units to be maintained on mounting machines (printers and mounting machines) for each unit. By changing the value, deterioration of the status is detected for each unit, and proper maintenance is promoted.


Stabilize solder position and volume to ensure printing quality

APC System (APC-FB)

APC System automatically stabilizes print quality by statistically processing the solder measurement results from the Solder Pasete Inspection (SPI) machine and feeding them back to the printer to control the solder position and volume.

高品質要求への対応_APC-FB (位置)(英)

High Quality < Printer >


Print properly even when there is PCB warpage

Top/Side Clamper

In addition to the conventional side clamper, a top clamper is adopted to hold the PCB from the top. This strengthens the solution to PCB warpage and further improves print quality.


Suppress defects caused by mask tension

Mask Tension Feedback

Check the mask condition by measuring the mask tension when setting the mask. Notify that the mask has changed to the optimum plate separation operation or that the mask has been replaced.

High Quality < Mounter >

Suppress quality failure due to mis-setting of parts when switching models

LCR Checker

LCR checker automatically checks the constant number of installed parts when starting production, supplying parts, or switching models. ​ This function contributes to the production of good quality products by preventing incorrect mounting due to incorrect feeding, abnormal parts, or incorrect labeling on reels.


Maintain low-load/constant-load mounting quality, and record and visualize

Load Checker V2/Mounted Load Trace

With the increase in the number of small parts, mounting load management becomes more important. By visualizing the nozzle sliding condition of the mounting head, performance maintenance and stable operation are realized. In addition, by recording the actual load at each mounting point, the quality is visualized and contributes to quality improvement.


For more information, please download the document.

For other solutions, please see the downloadable documents.
Please contact us for more information on products compatible with each function.


Related products


Mounting line system APC-5M

"5M process control" realizes high quality production and stable operation.

See Details

APC System

APC System

Connecting a mounting machine or printers to inspection equipment enables components to be placed correctly in the target position

See Details

実装MESシステム PanaCIM-EE

Mounting MES Software

PanaCIM-EE Gen2

Support is provided for improvement in QCD in each task related to mounting, through centralized management of the entire mounting floor

See Details

スクリーン印刷機 NPM-GP/L

Screen Printer


Optimizes the screen printing process. Equipped with automation functions, also capable of high-accuracy screen printing.

See Details

モジュラーマウンター NPM-GH

Modular Placement Machine


This edge device achieves industry-leading productivity and mounting quality for Autonomous Factory. Proposes control of irregularities in the 5Ms and elimination of skill-dependent work.

See Details


Modular Placement Machine


The basic performance has been improved by renewing the core units, such as the mounting head and recognition camera. It now supports a wide range of parts and PCBs.

See Details


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