Arc welding robot

Robot System

Arc Welding Robots

An extensive range of robots supporting various welding processes


Introducing the "TAWERS" welding robot with integrated welding power source and the "G4 and G3" welding robot with separate welding power source. Panasonic welding robots can be customized to meet your needs.

Case Studies

Case Study: Maruo Kousakusho

Reliable service provision was also a decisive factor

Maruo Kousakusho could realize “ultra” low spatter by installing the arc welding robot TAWERS having the option of the latest Super Active manufacturing method. They could reduce the time spent on spatter removal by more than 90%.

Case Study: Yahata Seiko

Low spatter even when welding thick plates

Yahata Seiko could achieve deep penetration and beautiful bead appearance with high power TAWERS HD pulse welding. They could achieve full robot production with the high-power specification and 100% duty cycle.

Case Study: ITECH

Improvement of welding quality with robots

ITECH introduced the arc welding robot TAWERS to establish a work environment that is not dependent on the welding skills of individuals. They created a better workplace where women can also play an active role.。

Other case studies






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