
紛争鉱物調査 Conflict Minerals Investigation




このことから当社では、調査ツールとして「責任ある鉱物イニシアティブ (RMI)」の発行する「コンフリクト・ミネラル・レポーティング・テンプレート(CMRT)」を使用しています。


この結果は2024年12月16日時点で集計した精錬所(smelter)のリストです。 調査の結果、RMI認定のRMAP評価プロトコルに準拠した270社の精錬業者を確認しました。


What is Conflict Minrals investigation ?

Panasonic recognizes that the procurement of certain minerals (notably tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold and cobalt) from states in conflict areas and other high-risk areas carries with it a risk of funding organizations that are involved in all kinds of illegal or unethical activities including human rights This is a matter of grave social concern.
The Conflict Mineral investigation is based on the Responsible Mineral Assurance Process (RMAP) program, which is certified by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), identifies the smelter and traces back to the supply chain, To ensure that they do not procure minerals that will be the source of funding for the armed forces in those area.

Due diligence in the conflict minerals issue

The investigations of conflict minerals, in which Panasonic has long been involved, require the cooperation of all suppliers, and all the refineries/smelters they work with. To reduce the burden on suppliers, and to enhance the efficiency of such investigations, we have found it effective to use common investigating tools and explanatory materials. Based on this realization, Panasonic uses, as an investigative tool, the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) issued by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI).

Investigation results

This is based on Panasonic PC suppliers data as of December 16th,2024. We confirmed 270 smelters complied with RMI-certified Responsible Materials Assurance Process (RMAP) evaluation protocol.

List of Smelters in Conflict Minerals Investigation

パナソニック コネクトのサステナビリティ経営

