Welding Power Source Integrated Robot TAWERS

A TAWERS robotic welding solution aiming for an ironworks where everyone can play an active role

Introduction: December 2020 Location: Osaka, Japan


High-mix, low-volume production had to be achieved with short delivery times. Sometimes it was necessary to weld thousands of lots with consistent quality.


TAWERS welding robots created a work environment that does not rely on individual welding skills, enabling the company to achieve short delivery times.

"Ironworks are often regarded as men's workplaces, but I am proud that we have female employees who are playing active roles, making full use of robots."

Yoshiyuki Naito, Chief Executive Officer, I TECH Ltd.


Solving labor shortages

The welding industry is facing serious labor shortages. I TECH, which welds rack parts for distribution centers of major manufacturers, was also having difficulty securing workers. Then the CEO considered offering jobs to local housewives. Since robotic welding would not require workers to spend several years to develop welding skills, inexperienced workers, including housewives, can play active roles. Therefore, he thought about introducing robots.

Reason for introduction

Enabling everyone to achieve beautiful, consistent welding by choosing robotic welding

In recent years, the level of appearance requirements by end users has become increasingly high. I TECH mainly welds racks for warehouses, including custom-made racks, which widely vary in size. The company has to meet short delivery times while maintaining the welding quality of all the parts. "The welding quality of areas not directly visible was not an issue in the past. However, requirements for such quality have recently become more stringent. This is another key reason why we considered robotic welding. Compared to robotic welding, manual welding may be faster for small quantities if the worker is experienced in it. However, if you consider working for eight hours a day, robots are 1.5 to 2 times faster and maintain consistent quality." (Mr. Yoshiyuki Naito)

Benefits of introduction

Short delivery times achieved by robots even during the COVID-19 pandemic is a selling point.

While the amount of work in the industry is declining due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I TECH's ability to meet short delivery times with robot welding has become a major selling point. "Reduced workload in the post-welding treatment is a major advantage. The current TAWERS generates much less spatter than the previous models. Our customers have even said, 'These beautifully welded surfaces will not require spatter removal!'" (Mr. Yoshiyuki Naito)

*Spatter: Spatter refers to the small droplets of molten metal that are scattered during welding (sparks). Low-spatter welding is required because once spatter has settled on the base metal, it is difficult to remove.

Photo: A robot that the president himself painted

Colorful robots painted by the CEO himself are operating in the factory

Photo: Rack parts for logistics warehouses

Rack parts for distribution warehouses require high-mix production, and sometimes they are produced in thousands of lots

Photo: Thin plate

Thin plates are prone to burn-through and distortion. Controlling the heat input is key

Photo: Employees and a welding robot

Many of the employees started their welding career with robotic welding. The main benefit of robots is their ability to perform high-speed and high-quality welding, no matter the experience of the operator

Case Study: ITECH

Equipment supplied

Welding Power Source Integrated Robot TAWERS

Voice of customers

The CEO feels a sense of attachment with the robots

"Our goal is to create an environment where employees can enjoy their work as much as possible. I am proud that, with the robots I painted myself, we are welcoming female employees who are playing active roles in our ironworks, which is often regarded as a male-dominated workplace. I have great faith in the robots, which never forget to weld. I even polish them every Sunday (laughs)."
Yoshiyuki Naito, Chief Executive Officer, I TECH Ltd.

Photo: Yoshiyuki Naito, Chief Executive Officer, I TECH Ltd.
Yoshiyuki Naito, Chief Executive Officer, I TECH Ltd.

"The welding robots I come into contact with everyday are like reliable partners."

"In the manufacturing of racks, we need to make hundreds or thousands of the same parts. The advantage of robotic welding is that robots can achieve the same high-quality finish from the first weld to the thousandth. Customers are often surprised to see such beautiful appearance. The high quality appearance is the norm for us, but I recognize the difference in the quality when I see workpieces produced by other companies."
Hideo Shoza, Plant Manager, I TECH Ltd.

Photo: Hideo Shoza, Plant Manager, I TECH Ltd.
Hideo Shoza, Plant Manager, I TECH Ltd.

Customer introduction

Aiming to become a pleasant ironworks where all employees, regardless of gender, can play active roles

I TECH has been in business for 20 years. At the worksite where the colorful robots operate, everyone works in harmony and with high motivation, guided by the motto "integrity, gratitude, and sincerity."

Photo: I TECH Ltd.

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