Warehouses & Transportation Truck Yards Visibility & Management

Warehouses & Transportation Truck Yards Visibility & Management

Yard Management Solution (YMS)

Sustainability through the provision of services to customers blueyonder logo
Innovation through technology synergy between Blue Yonder and Panasonic Connect



Penske collaborates with shippers and carriers to provide optimal logistics services. In the US, each trailer is assigned a control number and its entry and exit within the warehouse site is managed manually. The company was considering an innovative method to track and manage trailers, containers, etc. within the vast warehouse site where the warehouse building is located.

Yard Management Solution (YMS) Benefits

  • YMS-linked cameras, image recognition technology, and machine learning enable automatic check-in and identification of vehicles
  • Support for the reduction of detention fees through the realization of automatic  check-out
  • Improving the throughput of logistics sites, reducing costs, and improving services by improving tracking processing speed and reducing errors

Value Contribution

  • Operational efficiency through the reallocation of labor by automating and centralizing tasks and increased labor productivity
  • Efficient warehouse site management to reduce energy consumption

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