Optimization of Manufacturing Sites
Optimization of Manufacturing Sites

Optimization of Manufacturing Sites

"Autonomous Factory"
Sustainability through the provision of services to customers
Circuit Formation Process Business Division
Welding Process Business Division
Environmentally friendly & waste-free manufacturing to production plan


Manufacturing floor

High-mix, small-lot production, shortening of production cycles, and traceability. There is a need to respond to complex production processes, such as stricter management.

Manufacturing sites Optimization Solutions Benefits

  • Optimizing production by manufacturing the right products at the right time and in the right quantities
  • Automating frequent manual tasks on the production floor
  • Intelligent decision-making based on the expertise and experience of skilled personnel

Sustainability Value

  • Flexible manufacturing tailored to the production styles and product characteristics of individual factories.
  • Reduce waste and increase the efficiency of energy consumption by autonomously regulating variable factors on site
  • Labor saving by standardizing the knowledge of skilled workers


Edge devices for increased productivity?


Welding site Challenges

Productivity is required to be improved by shortening tact times and reducing line stops, and at the same time responding to improvements in the energy efficiency of facilities and equipment is also emphasized.

Welding Edge Devices Benefits

  • Compatible with a wide range of welding work due to high output, shortening tact time
  • High cooling and robustness reduce line stops
  • Improved maintainability contributes to improved operation rate and productivity

Sustainability Value Contribution

  • Reducing CO2 emissions through energy-saving measures in equipment and machinery, while promoting high performance and improved maintainability, accelerates the shift to circular economy

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