
Creating a future with career ownership

Well-being in our workplaces

From company-led talent development to a system that allows each individual to grow autonomously

Independent and autonomous career development

More than 1,400 job descriptions (JDs)

We have introduced a job-based personnel system since FY2024. By disclosing approximately 1,400 JDs and introducing them to approximately 10,000 employees at once, it was possible to clarify the value of individual contributions, and each employee was able to confirm their own roles. This enables autonomous career development rather than the conventional company-led membership-based HR development based on seniority.

Connect in-house job posting system

As one of the means to promote autonomous career development, we are actively adopting an open recruitment system for department transfers within the company. By presenting a wide range of opportunities for various JDs, we will stimulate the growth of employees and their willingness to take on challenges. In the Connect in-house job posting system, which is held throughout the year, you can challenge a higher grade position at any time when you transfer with the aim of improving your skills.

Number of applications for open positions Domestic and overseas total

Fostering a learning culture

CONNECTers’ Academy

We support each and every employee to learn voluntarily, to challenge and realize their own careers. We have established an in-house university called CONNECTers' Academy to support the further growth of employees by providing training opportunities and fostering a learning culture based on the three axes of core values, literacy, and skills. In FY2023, we will introduce the Leaning Management System (LMS) to visualize learning.

Learn & strengthen core values

MBA sponsorship program

We have prepared an MBA sponsorship program for employees who aim to expand their global perspective, management mindset, and practical skills. If employees are accepted to and complete an MBA at a designated university (top 20 in the world ranking) we offer subsidies for the expenses incurred. We will continue to focus on developing talent who can chart a path for their own careers and success.

MBA sponsorships

Other examples

わたしたちの働く現場のウェルビーイング 心身共に健全に働くための環境作り

Creating an environment to work in a healthy mind and body

わたしたちの働く現場のウェルビーイング つながり作り

Creating Connections